Thursday, June 16, 2016

New Lifts for legs1

Zuter Squat x 8 w/135
Zuter Squat x 8 w/155
Front Squat x 8 x/175
Front Squat x 8 x/195
Back Squat x 8 x/215
Back Squat x 8 x/235

All concentrating on perfect form and getting under parallel.  This went well.  I do not plan on putting a lot of weight on my back squats, but this did not give me any trouble with my back.

On to super sets:

4x10 of hack squats to superman jumps

Started hack squats at 135lbs  to figure it out and ended up at 155lbs.  The only rest was walking from the weight room to the wrestling room for the superman jumps.  I originally planned forward leap frog jumps with a partner holding me back on the harness, but Ron went to a concert and I was on my own.  This is the sub I came up with.  I stood five or six feet away from the big thick mat and jumped with hands in front of me and "flew" like superman into the mat.  It did require explosion and was something different which is what I was going for.

4x10 of one leg goblet squats (30 or 35lbs?) to one leg med ball box jumps on smallest box

I am trying to focus on a lot of one legged stuff for balance and to stimulate mussel fibers I don't normally hit. I was really hurting on the jumps.  Much harder than I thought it would be; my whole body was shutting down and I had to fight through.

3x15 of 155lb glute back bridges to wall sprints

First time doing the bridges.  The first set hurt my pelvis like crazy (to skinny ha ha) so I put my shoes under the bar above my pelvis.  Worked well for two reasons, first, it did not hurt any more.  Second, it made the point an inch or two lower where I started lifting the weight so I got more range of motion.  Not a bad lift other than it made my butt and calf cramp up and the wrestler in me did not feel at all comfortable about both my shoulder blades being pressed to the floor.

Cashed out with calf raises using the bar because my grip is still toast from the day before.  15reps added 20 lbs and did 12 and 12.

I weighed 183.4 before the workout and 178.2 after and I was drinking a lot through the whole thing!

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