Friday, June 10, 2016

The Plan

I fear I have lost control of my old blog, Bayless Crossfit, so I am starting up this new one. I still crossfit but only about twice a week. I am incorporating morning sprints or walks and a lot of old school intense pumping iron workouts to replace the content crossfit burners. I got more and more out of shape through track season. However, I am getting back into shape in a big way. I have proclaimed the next few months as "The Summer of Fitness" The following is my fitness plan and I have stuck to it very closely with the exception of my diet. I have cut out sugar, but I have not been able to eat ENOUGH to make my goals. I have gained at least five pounds and it has been good weight. I really like this plan. I am working very hard, but the difference this time is I am working very smart. I am very diligent to incorporate recovery time and rest where I don't think I have ever paid close attention to this part of my health. Anyway, this is the plan and I will start posting my workouts on this sight from hear on. I will even post my before and after pic at the end of the summer as motivation for me to stay focused.

Fitness Plan

Exercise Weekly Plan

Monday: Early morning sprints,  Weight training (chest and back)

Tuesday: Crossfit I would love to do a workout with Cross country. Good day for long walk

Wednesday: Funday, This is physical games, with our kids, with anyone.  Also this would be a day for off the wall different workouts  using chains or speed ropes, it would be a great day to take the family to the lake and swim.  Just a fun day with a physical goal.

Thursday: Early morning sprints, Weight training (legs and low back)

Friday: Early morning boxing, Weight training (lats, delts, biceps)

Saturday: Big hard Cross fit.  

Sunday: Rest and relax

Daily diet goals:

I am cutting out sugar.  Almost totally, I will have cheat days for special occasions.  I will eat lots of strabunutt ice cream.

193 grams of protein.  Meat, nuts, seeds and whey protein shakes
1 egg=6, Tablespoon of Chia=4, Fish Fillet= 13, 1/2lb ground beef=32, 1/2lb ground turkey=61

260 grams of carbs.  potatoes, popcorn, vegetables, staying away from bread and candy.

88 grams of fat  

I will also start taking a tangy tangerine multi-vitamin and fish-oil,  whey protein power, BCAAand probably C-4.

Also, sleep is important, for all of us.  I like the idea of letting the kids sleep in as late as they want.  I will also start going to bed earlier.  My personal goal is  at least nine hours a day.  I am even thinking of taking a "before summer" and "after summer picture.

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